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How To Leverage On Social Media For Massive Results

There’s no denying it. Social Media is part of our everyday life, as consumers, marketers, and social beings. As of 2019, there were 3.5 billion users worldwide on social media, so it would be a real waste if you weren’t taking advantage of these online platforms to grow your brand. Social Media is a great way to […]

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Inter-Personal Skills Employers Are Looking For

Many careers require consistent, if not constant, interaction with other people. This is true even for jobs that would seem to favor introverted personalities and independent work styles. For example, even if you’re a software engineer, writer, or statistician, you still need to be able to communicate and collaborate with your team. Below are different inter-personal skills that […]

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Common Habits Of Millionaires

We all want to make a fortune in our lives. Having lots of money allows you to live a comfortable life. It also allows you to enjoy opportunities that you otherwise wouldn’t have had access to. Millionaires are people who have enough money to do all these things. Most of them have had to work […]

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Getting Your Body Back In Shape After Delivery

Many celebrities show off their slim postpartum bodies just months after giving birth and this can make you wonder if there’s anything wrong with you. While it is normal to be frustrated with your postpartum body (especially compared to what you see in magazines), it’s also important to put it in the right perspective. It […]

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Six Ways To Impress Your Boss At Work

Believe it or not, there are plenty of ways to impress your boss without looking like a brown-nose in front of your co-workers (because nobody likes “that guy”). It’s all fine to go about your daily work activities as instructed, but there are plenty of ways to go above and beyond and set yourself apart […]

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